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Terms and Conditions

We acknowledge that all information on this website is for educational and entertainment purposes only. We are not guaranteed a complete or full accuracy for our tests. Any reliance you put on the test results or any use of the test result outside our website is strictly at your own risk.


In order to obtain your IQ test result you have to pay 29 USD for one time. The reason our test is not free is due to the cost of development and hosting which requires a sustainable revenue source. We wish to provide our services for free but this can’t be done anymore due to the expensive cost for maintaining our service.

Paper-based IQ test that conducted by a licensed Psychologist usually cost from $250 to $1000. However, our online test offers a convenient and affordable way to test your IQ with only 19$ and provide the same accuracy of the real one.

Cancellation & Returns

Payments made to obtain IQ results are final and not refundable. You cannot cancel your purchase once we received it, you acknowledge and agree to this. We only provide refunds in cases of technical issues or duplicate payment.

Disclaimer of Damages

Use of this website and its content is always at your own risk. If you are unhappy with any feature of the website, any of these terms & conditions, or any other rules just stop using the website. In no case shall I, the website be liable to any user or third party for any damages of any kind resulting from the use or inability to use this website or the content on this site.

We have the right to update our terms & conditions from time to time.

Last update on terms & conditions on 15 Aug 2022.